10. that hot girl you are about to hit on probably doesnt like fatbodies like yourself. if you need a date, go to a Jenny Craig meeting
9. for the ladies: if you are constantly tugging on shorts because you think guys are looking at your cooch or they are all up your ass..you should buy a bigger size
8. for the ladies: if you touch/fluff your hair more than twice in workout then you are a female "poser"
7. if you are finishing a cigarette outside of gym before running in..you are a jackass, go back in and ask for refund instead
6. for the new fatbodies in gym. you should wear different cloths each workout.. you stink, you might not smell it, the rest of us do
5. the person carrying a weight/dumbells has the right of way, similarly the person carrying the heavier weight has the right of way