Thursday, March 29, 2012

rules and tips for the gym - (37-44)

44. If you are wearing an Army/USMC/Air Force/Navy T-shirt to score some cool points and have not served, those of us that have think you are a jerk off. The only exception is if you are a hot woman and the shirt belongs to your veteran current / ex boyfriend. Large boobs is bonus.

43. guys, under absolutely no circumstances should you be freeballing in just some shorts.. no one wants to see your boys while you are working out

42. when you judge that huge steriod freak , be advised he is also judging you for being a lazy excuse giving fatbody

41. for newbies - dont buy anything at the gym, its always cheaper elsewhere.. supplements / workout gear

40. if your trainer does not do the same silly exercises he has you do when hes doing his own workout you should fire him

39. if you are doing something no one else is doing, its not because you have discovered a secret exercise. it pretty much means you are an idiot...and if your trainer told you to do it..that makes both of you idiots.

38. for newbies at gym. always wash hands after workout and dont touch your face during the workout.. you know how many guys i seeing not washing hands after a pooh in locker room

37. if you waited more than 30seconds for parking spot instead of walking a bit more, you should reflect on what your doing there